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Parasha Study is a weekly exploration of the entire Parasha, uncovering the deeper themes and meanings from the text up. It focuses on the peshat understanding of the Torah with a focus on context, structure and themes, along with its challenges and resolutions from classical and modern commentators.


Sefer Bereshit (Genesis) opens with the story of creation, and then focuses on the Patriarch's lives, ending with Jacob descending to Egypt


Sefer Shemot (Exodus) details the period of Israel's enslavement, ultimately leading to their freedom and accepting of the Torah at Har Sinai and the building of the mishkan.


Sefer Vayikra (Leviticus) zones in on the priestly code and the rules pertaining to sanctity of people, place and time.



Sefer Bemidbar (Numbers) journeys through Israel's travels through the wilderness and towards the Land of Israel.


Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) projects the voice of Moshe as he recaps the laws with some additions and warnings, before he parts with Israel.