Sefer Bemidbar: Archaeology

This video is part of the Sefer Study series. This is an analysis of the Archaeology of the Sefer by Mr. Nachliel Selavan. Archaeology Snapshot is a discuss...

This video is part of the Sefer Study series. 


This is an analysis of the Archaeology of the Sefer by Mr. Nachliel Selavan.


Archaeology Snapshot is a discussion on the location, timeline, main characters and highlights from history and archaeology, for each Sefer in Tanach.


Sefer Bemidbar begins in the Sinai wilderness during the first and second years of the Exodus, and ends on the eastern borders of Eres Yisrael - on the plains of Moab, on the 40th year. 

This episode focuses on the main three periods of the sefer: The Mahane/Encampment and travel preparations, the complaints in the desert, and the battles of the eastern Jordan and inheritance of the land. 

This episode features Herzog College’s special Tanakh Map, available in English, Hebrew and Spanish at this link:

Nachliel has made a short Hebrew, and longer English tutorial on the usage of the map, and the links to that video have further useful information. 

English Tutorial:

Hebrew Tutorial:

Links for references made in the video:

Israeli wineries:

Carmel Winery -

Ramat Negev -


Koren Israel Humash -

“Olam ha-Tanach” עולם התנ״ך - is a valuable source of information about the history and archaeology of Tanach. It must be noted that this series was written for a secular crowd, and its usage in a more religious setting should be carefully weighed. Nevertheless, it has a wellspring of information and is a valuable resource.

Archaeological discoveries:

Deir Alla inscription of Bilaam -

Mesha Stele -


Nachliel Selavan, MA Ed., originally from Jerusalem’s Old City, is back in Israel after seven years of teaching full-time in the United States, developing his unique and engaging method of learning Torah through tour, travel and archaeology.

Nachliel created and delivered an integrated learning and museum tour program for both school and adult educational settings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and has hosted similar pilot visits to a dozen museums in North America, and a few museums in Europe and in Jerusalem. He also teaches and engages audiences through virtual tours and social media, and has recently completed Tanach Study Plus - delivering a weekly episode of Archaeology on the Parasha.


Sefer Bemidbar: Overview and Meaning


Sefer Vayikra: Overview and Meaning